How To Make Tunnel Specimens

How To Make Tunnel Specimens

Tunnel Specimens

This project, inspired by tunnel books, invites you to explore your creativity on a small scale. Choose a theme and learn how to make your own tunnel specimens using just three punches. This simple project allows for creative exploration without the overwhelm of a large, complex piece or a full book. However, you can also adapt it to create a mini book.

What You’ll Need:

  • Four pieces of 2 1/2 x 2 1/2" square scrapbook paper of your choice
  • Three graduated size punches (they don't have to be circles)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Washi tape


  1. Choose a Theme: Select a theme and gather motifs for decorating your tunnels. Popular themes include fish, paper dolls, flowers, and houses, but feel free to choose any style you like. To ensure a visually appealing specimen, use contrasting colors, patterns, or tones between each layer of your tunnel.

  2. Prepare Your Papers: For added depth, you can double your papers or use packaging with prettier paper glued on top.

  3. Assemble Your Tunnel: Follow the video tutorial for assembly. Focus on creating a neat tunnel; the edges can be hidden with washi tape as shown in the tutorial. Irregular cut-out shapes may result in a wonky appearance, but practice will help you achieve a better tunnel effect.

  4. Make a Book (Optional): If you prefer to create a book instead of a specimen, ensure your pages are aligned. An accordion fold is a simple binding method, but there are other ways to bind tunnel books.

Let your imagination soar and see how many different ideas you can come up with for creating tunnel specimens or mini books.

Happy paper crafting!

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