Meditation Art Journal

Meditation Art Journal

Meditation Art Journal

Making a meditation art journal can be a simple way to calm your mind and reduce the anxiety of the day. It is an extremely soothing method for relaxation and reducing anxiety. Creating a journal for this specific purpose is an excellent way to begin journaling if expressive writing isn't for you. Start by painting or drawing repetitive patterns like straight lines, zig-zag lines, waves, spirals, or curls. 

Similar to neurographic art meditative painting and drawing is an art method that immediately puts your mind in a relaxed state of flow, synergistically connecting your subconscious with your fingers as you draw. Having to think slightly about where to place each mark allows for just enough purpose to keep you inspired throughout the page without becoming overwhelming.


Choosing a guided meditation, a quote, mantra or other affirmation can help give you clarity of purpose before beginning to draw a set of shapes, lines or doodles in repetitive patterns that will help you to focus on the present moment and bring about calmness. You can write your meditation on the page if you want or just read it before or after your pattern making session. Drawing patterns can help give you deeper understanding as you focus on both the pattern and the words. 

Adding pages with images can help give you a color palette before beginning so you don't have to choose random colors and can just relax and begin without stress. You can also choose a limited palette in colors you always gravitate towards if you don't want to limit yourself to black and white. Choose colors that always make you feel calm or happy. Making patterns in color can help you remember happy events.

Paint or draw until you completely cover the page, then move on to the second layer. Use a contrasting color or different shade, choose a different pattern. Find colors and patterns that relax you the most. Layers and choosing patterns can help you discover what works for you at that moment. An example of layering might be to begin with open circles on a first layer, then choose a different color and add a filled circle in the centers for the second layer. You can repeat layers as often as you want, perhaps by adding tiny dots on top of the center filled circle in another color. Your patterns can be as simple or complex as you want, the point is keep going until you reach a state of flow, relaxation and calmness.

Add an image

An image can help you illustrate your meditation or quote if you desire. Some ideas might be to choose a stamp or make foam stamps with abstract shapes that you can then fill in with repetitive patterns. You can add this illustration to the opposite page if you like and just keep your pattern making page as a complementary design. There are so many ways to incorporate meditative art into your journals. If you are skilled at hand lettering you can add that to a page.

Choose a pattern

Here are some shapes and forms that can be used to express different emotions to guide you as you experiment with meditative art on each page of your journal. 

  1. Spirals. If you feel stuck in a rut draw spirals as the continuity will inspire you to keep moving.  
  2. Lines. Drawing lines across a page helps reduce frustration. Making scratches or line marks also reduce feelings of anger.
  3. Circles. Drawing circles isn't easy and forces you to concentrate and focus on the present.
  4. Tired. Draw flowers.
  5. Sad. Make rainbows.
  6. Tense. Draw patterns.
  7. Nostalgic. Draw a maze.
  8. Confused. Draw a mandala.
  9. Order. To put your thoughts in order to arrange your thoughts draw honeycombs, squares or cells.
  10. Choice. To make the right choice draw waves or circles.
  11. Goals. To make sense of your most important goal draw targets.
  12. Focus. Draw grids.
  13. Desperation. Draw roads.

More ideas

Tearing paper is a great way to reduce feelings of anger or indignation. You can use these torn shapes to draw repetitive patterns on and then arrange them in a collage. Collaging is also a great way to help relax.

Zen doodles Zen tangles

Zen doodles take more time and focus than simple doodles. The repetitive nature of drawing patterns can put you in a meditative state. Begin by drawing a border on your paper. Then divide it into sections. Fill each section with a different repeating pattern. You might use swirls, dots, or geometric shapes.

Zentangle is a meditative drawing practice that involves creating structured patterns on paper. The repetitive nature of this activity can relieve stress and create a sense of calmness and relaxation. Use a pen and begin by drawing outlines of shapes or figures and then fill them in with different patterns. Draw a large scribble and then fill with patterns.

Create a mandala

Drawing and coloring mandala creates balance. Studies have shown that creating a mandala has a similar effect as that of meditation. It calms your mind and focuses your attention to the present moment. Circular patterns and repetitive shapes of the mandala have therapeutic effects on the mind. Your mandala doesn't have to be perfect, create a set of concentric circles and then just draw different patterns to join them in some way moving from the center outward.


Just color. You can keep some or all of your pattern marks open and then color them in. You can draw your own designs or include coloring pages. Coloring inside lines gives your brain much-needed relaxation. It’s been shown that coloring reduces restless thoughts and calms the mind. It’s effortless and easy, just grab your favorite coloring tools and begin. 

Conclusion: reaching a flow state

Meditative painting and drawing is an art method that puts your mind in a relaxed state of flow. A journal for the purpose of meditative art is an excellent way to begin journaling if expressive writing isn't appealing. Adding these ideas to an art journal or any journal can be extremely therapeutic. Choose a guided meditation to help focus if you desire, add color or just draw. Begin by drawing or painting repetitive patterns that reflect your emotions and just draw until you reach a state of total relaxation in a flow state. Add zentangles, torn paper collages, mandalas or just color to achieve the same effects helping reduce anxiety and bring a sense of calmness to your day. 

Happy paper crafting!










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